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Smart eFleets: Electromobility in Fleets

Focus areas

For the first time in Germany, the Smart eFleets research project aims to investigate and optimize the processes in large supply and disposal companies with electric fleets, particularly in the scheduling of vehicles, the management of charging infrastructure, and load management.

The core objective of the project is to develop novel pooling and sharing approaches as well as technical developments in the e-mobility sector and to test them in a larger context for the first time. These approaches are intended to provide impetus in the area of fleet electrification not only within the consortium but also beyond. This includes both legal and technical interfaces that affect the overall provision of enterprise mobility. The project will focus predominantly on fleet cost reduction associated with the efficient utilization of both the fleet itself and the charging infrastructure.

All steps that play a role in the conversion to an electric fleet in the project are critically analyzed and scrutinized. In the further course, the existing processes will be extended by new pooling and sharing approaches and replaced in the mid-term.

For this purpose, the consortium will research and develop a cross-company sharing portal for booking electric vehicles with reservation of AC/DC charging points as part of a pilot project which will also record services in operation, such as monitoring, reservation, and billing.


7.1.2019 - 6.30.2022

Project partners

Berliner Verkehrsgesellschaft (BVG)

Berliner Wasserbetriebe (BWB)

Berliner Stadtreinigung (BSR)

integrierte informationssysteme

carano Software Solutions GmbH

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)

Associated partners

Stromnetz Berlin GmbH

Vattenfall Wärme AG

Berliner Agentur für Elektromobilität eMO


Heinrich Coenen

Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) - AöR -

Holzmarktstraße 15-17

10179 Berlin

Tel. +49 30 25627021 

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