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Cable clutter

Focus areas

Cooperation with experts in the respective fields makes this unique model of the future possible:

The Smart City | DB project weColli acts as a digital platform, Velogista as a bicycle logistics provider, inno2grid as a regenerative and efficient energy supplier, and the Brodowin ecovillage as a producer of organic food.

The new Microhub at Berlin's Südkreuz station is future-oriented. Goods and fresh food are temporarily stored in a cargo container, cooled by regenerative energy and then delivered to the surrounding neighborhoods by e-cargo bikes. The electricity for cooling fresh produce and for the batteries of the e-load bikes is generated on site from solar collectors at inno2grid's zeemoBase.

Grown green, stored green, transported green. From origin to end consumer - you can't get more organic than that!

Project partners

Ökodorf Brodowin


Smart City | DB




zeemoBase, Energie- und Mobilitätszentrale für eine einzigartige Systemlösung

SüdX, Bahnhof Berlin Südkreuz


inno2grid GmbH

EUREF-Campus Haus 13

Torgauer Straße 12-15

10829 Berlin

Tel. +49 30 23 88 84 – 240

Fax +49 30 23 88 84 – 120

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Cycle track

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"I replace a car"

In the project "I replace a car", electric cargo bikes were presented as innovative transport vehicles for urban commercial traffic and their potential for climate protection was evaluated.

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Cable clutter

In microhubs, flows of goods are brought together and finely distributed from there by e-cargo bikes with zero emissions and noise, as the basis for the sustainable transport of goods in the inner city area.

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