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Focus areas

As part of the new project, which will run for three years until the end of September 2023, the consortium is now placing an order for two electrified trucks that will subsequently be used by two logistics companies in regular operations. In addition, a battery exchange station will be set up in the south of Berlin, which can be accessed by hauliers for over a year as part of a real delivery operation. The goal is a fully automated battery replacement. After arrival at the station, the drained battery is removed from the vehicle by a specially developed replacement robot and exchanged for a fully charged battery. This is done in just a few minutes, eliminating time-consuming loading pauses. "The two vehicles will be equipped with a variety of sensors that will record data during regular operation that influences the vehicles' energy consumption: Drive nergy consumption, the load, the weather, the altitude profile of the route, ancillary consumption such as air conditioning of the driver’s cabin, but also the energy consumed to ensure cargo compartment temperatures," says Stefanie Marker.

Project partners

- Fraunhofer IVI
- IBAR Systemtechnik GmbH
- Reinert Logistic GmbH & Co KG
- Robert Bosch GmbH
- Unitax Pharmalogistik GmbH
- Urban Energy GmbH
- TU Berlin, FG FVB, SMS, ARTE
- adesso SE (assoziiert)
- E.DIS Netz GmbH (assoziiert)
- Wirtschaftsförderung Brandenburg WFBB (assoziiert)


October 2020 - September 2023



Prof. Dr. Stefanie Marker
TU Berlin

Tel. +49 30 31472981

Jens-Olav Jerratsch
TU Berlin

Tel. +49 30 314 75 801


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