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New Mobility Berlin & Sommerflotte/Deine Flotte

Focus areas NMB/Deine Flotte

The project NMB investigates the possibilities and limitations of local mobility, starting with the Mierendorff-Inseln and the Klausenerplatz neighborhood. The aim is to inspire local stakeholders to sustainably enhance the quality of life in urban areas through innovative mobility concepts. The public street space is to be used more flexibly, innovative technologies are to be tested and made tangible in a user-oriented real laboratory, and "freed-up parking space" is to be used for other purposes and thus to increase the quality of living in the neighborhood.

The campaign Deine Flotte (previously "Sommer Flotte") aims to make multimodal mobility without your own car a tangible experience. The aim is to make it easier for car owners to switch to Mobility as a Service (MaaS). Supported by a sponsored mobility package from 18 sharing providers and BVG. The entire project is scientifically accompanied by a pre- and post-survey.


from 2018 (Deine Flotte every summer)

Project partners

BMW Group

Berliner Agentur für Elektromobilität

Bezirksamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf

TU Berlin, Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft (ZTG)

Sharing-Anbieter sowie die BVG


Rolf Mienkus UG

Mindener Str. 22

10589 Berlin

Tel. +49 30 617 418 56

Mobile +49 176 486 707 96 

Gesamtstrategie Ladeinfrastruktur 2030 für das Land Berlin

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eTaxi-Flotte Berlin

Anschaffung oder Leasing eines E-Autos für Taxifahrer, Umbau zum barrierefreien E-Taxi sowie Aufbau gesteuerter Ladeinfrastruktur exklusiv für Taxifahrer.

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New Berlin air

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Cycle track

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"I replace a car"

In the project "I replace a car", electric cargo bikes were presented as innovative transport vehicles for urban commercial traffic and their potential for climate protection was evaluated.

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Cable clutter

In microhubs, flows of goods are brought together and finely distributed from there by e-cargo bikes with zero emissions and noise, as the basis for the sustainable transport of goods in the inner city area.

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